Tuesday 15 December 2009

Do You Rely on Face Cream Review Sites?

If you are looking for a face cream review, you are sure to find a plethora of them online. However, do they contain all the information you require to make an informed decision? Making an effective skin care product takes a lot of research and scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, most people turn to the drugstore to purchase their face creams.

Most face cream review sites will focus on the brand name products that everyone has heard of, usually from some form of national advertisement. In fact, some companies even pay people to write positive face cream reviews of their product, even though the person has never even tried the product.

Therefore, it is important to take a face cream review site too seriously. You can certainly pick up some information from them but it is better to try the product yourself. When you do read the reviews, do they mention anything about the ingredients of the brand name products? Many companies add ingredients that are not good for our skin. These include fragrances and alcohols. These particular additives are not good for you; they will dry out your skin and even cause irritation.

Does the face cream review sites mention that the chemicals in these creams are absorbed into your blood stream? Just think if you apply them on a daily basis. The creams you use should contain natural ingredients that are not harmful for your skin.

Find a face cream review that focuses on natural ingredients. If the review site does not mention ingredients or the reviewers refuse to mention the ingredients, I think it is safe to say that you should avoid that site and product.

A good face cream review is one that reveals the ingredients and has nothing to hide. Look for a review that tells how the ingredients work and what they do for your skin. The idea is that you should know what you are looking for and what information is useless.

Face cream reviews can be helpful but do not make your decision based primarily on these reviews. If you find a company that makes their products using natural ingredients and does not use fragrances or alcohols then spend some time researching that company. Look at their website and then make a decision based on what you see.

In conclusion, read the face cream review sites to gather information on the various face cream products available. Avoid products that contain fragrances, deodorants and alcohols. These products are not good for your skin.

Tara Mathews has done a lot of research on various natural face cream products. She has found that face cream review sites are not always reliable.
Visit our site for more information today! http://www.thefacewrinkle.com/
By Tara Mathews

Thursday 10 December 2009

What Kind of Anti Wrinkle Face Cream Should I Use?

It seems like every time your look in the mirror, another tiny wrinkle or fine lines develops, am I right? Well using the right kind of anti wrinkle face cream can prevent this from happening, and even reverse the effect that aging has had on your skin.

It took me a while, but I finally figured out what it took to prevent, and even reverse the skin's natural aging process. I mean I didn't discover it myself or anything, but I found out what you need to look for in an anti wrinkle face cream.

Besides looking for plenty of effective natural substances like moisturizers, emollients, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, you need to address aging skin at it's source.

Finding out what causes the skin to age and using an anti wrinkle face cream that prevents these causes is the most effective way to reverse the aging process.

The most common cause of aging skin is a loss of collagen and elastin protein in your skin. Collagen and elastin are the structural proteins in your skin that keep it firm, elastic, and age-free.

But as you grow older, your skin produces less and less of these proteins, making it much easier for wrinkles, fine lines, puffy eye bags, and other undesirable aging signs to form.

So what kind of anti wrinkle face cream can fix this major problem?

Although there are all different kinds of anti wrinkle face cream on the market that claim to boost your collagen and elastin levels, there's only one kind that actually works. Unfortunately, I learned this critical fact after I tried all these different products already.

The only kind of anti wrinkle face cream that can actually increase the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin is one that stimulates the regrowth and production of collagen and elastin protein.

Products that actually contain collagen and elastin protein, whether they are topically ones or supplements, are ineffective because these proteins cannot penetrate through your skin and other parts of your body like your bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints use these valuable proteins to stay healthy as well.

I use anti wrinkle face cream that contains a cutting-edge ingredient called CynergyTK™, which is a proven substance that stimulates natural collagen and elastin production. It's developed by a small niche company is New Zealand, so you've probably never even heard of it before. It can't even be used in any of the name-brand products yet.

But since I've been using it, my skin has gotten more youthful and healthier each and every week. Not only does it FEEL better, it also LOOKS better too. Most of my wrinkles and fines lines have been smoothed out, my skin is much firmer, and my complexion is even brighter and more even.

I invite you to learn more about CynergyTK™, other natural anti-aging substances, and the anti wrinkle face cream I use to keep my skin youthful and beautiful by visiting my website listed below.

Caroline Richie is a long time user and passionate admirer of natural skin care. Visit her site now and discover the cutting-edge ingredients and anti aging solutions she recommends and uses after years of research and trial-and-error with all sorts of products ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Tuesday 8 December 2009

The Best Anti Aging Face Cream

With so many products to choose from today, it's hard to decide what the best anti aging face cream is. There's no correct answer of course: everyone's face is different and one product won't suit everybody. Good products, however, will have certain features in common.

When you are searching for the best consumer anti aging face care, look for products that protect your skin from the sun: we know that sunlight does damage to skin and causes wrinkles and other signs of aging. Your face is consistently exposed to more sunlight than any other part of your body, and this is why some moisturizing facial creams now contain sun protection ingredients. Applying one of these products to your face daily, before applying makeup, will give you daily protection. While the best anti aging face cream should include sun protection, if you choose one that doesn't, consider adding a skin lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of at least 15 to your daily skin care routine.

Other than sun protection, the best anti aging face cream will be what is sometimes called a "cosmeceutical," a cosmetic product that does more than just make your skin look younger - it actually induces healing or other changes in the skin cells. Active ingredients include vitamins, especially vitamins A, C, D, and E; minerals, especially selenium and zinc; lycopene (found in tomatoes and other fruit) and other antioxidants; herbal extracts; and compounds that lighten skin tone. Many of the best consumer anti aging face care brands include some or all of these things.

The product that will be the best anti aging face cream for you will depend on your specific needs. If you are not noticing the effects of aging too much yet, are are taking a preventative approach, you will probably select a different product from the person who has specific issues to address. Read labels and instructions to determine what products are supposed to do, and if you still unsure which is the best consumer anti aging face care product for you, consult a skin care professional for advice. Though this may cost a bit, it will probably save you money in the long term by narrowing your possible choices to a few quality products.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about the best anti aging face cream on the AntiAging Information site.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Which Antioxidant Face Cream Organic Ingredients Best Protect the Skin and Prevent Aging?

Wondering what antioxidant face cream organic ingredients work best to protect the skin and keeping away the ugly signs of aging? There are different kinds of antioxidants: ones that are included in healthy foods and ones that are meant to be applied to the skin. Knowing which ones are best for the skin is one of the best things you can do to prolong the aging process, at least for your skin.

The problem I see with most antioxidant face cream organic ingredients is how poorly developed they are for being applied to the skin. In an effective antioxidant face cream, you want plenty of antioxidants that are small enough to penetrate deep down into the skin.

Antioxidants are great at defending the skin against harmful free radicals. But using antioxidant face cream organic ingredients that are just able to protect the outer layer or two of your skin is leaving tons of free radicals to break down the cells further down in your skin. And preventing unwanted aging signs from forming starts deep down in the skin.

What I also see most antioxidant face cream lack is high concentrations of antioxidants. Most companies just throw in minuscule amounts of antioxidants just to say the products contains them. This is the equivalent of adding a pinch of kool-aid mix to a glass of water. What good is that? You may as well just drink the water straight!

After really conducting a lot of research as to what antioxidant face cream organic ingredients best benefit the skin, I have found a few special antioxidants in particular that I use on a daily basis:

*Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 is a 'nano-emulsion' form of CoenzymeQ10, which is one of the best antioxidants for the skin. Since these molecules are so tiny, they can penetrate 7 layers down into the skin to destroy free radicals and protect the skin from UV radiation and pollutants. It also enhances cell activity and has quite the dramatic anti-wrinkle effect.

*Manuka honey is perhaps the most beneficial type of honey for the skin. This organic substance has amazing antibacterial and antioxidant properties and stimulates the immune system. While you sleep, it helps restore and rejuvenate your skin, making it look younger and softer. And thanks to a New Zealand company, it can be added to skin care products in a powder form so you can avoid the mess honey usually creates.

*Grapeseed oil is a powerful natural antioxidant that also creates an invisible firm on your skin to keep moisture in throughout the day. It's also great at getting rid of stretch marks and repairing the skin around your eyes, which is the most sensitive area (and most difficult to keep smooth) of skin on your body.

Using these specific antioxidant face cream organic ingredients allows me to keep my skin firm, healthy, and youthful longer than most people. When free radicals cannot damage your cells, your skin is able to form strong collagen and elastin protein fibers and prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and other aging signs from developing.

I invite you to learn more about these antioxidant face cream organic ingredients and other effective organic substances I use on my skin by visiting my wbesite listed below.

Jason Michaels is a long time user and passionate admirer of all natural skin care products. Visit his site now and discover the latest and greatest breakthrough anti aging products and ingredients he recommends after conducting extensive research on anti-aging skin care ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Friday 4 December 2009

Olive Oil Facial Cleansers Gently Cleanse For Feel Good Skin

Have you ever tried olive oil facial cleansers? They feel so good on your skin and they cleanse your skin ever so gently, leaving no trace of oil yet retaining the optimum amount of moisture required for your skin. Olive oil has always been a popular choice for skin care thanks to its amazing cleansing properties. Let me now tell you more about the importance of olive oil and its cleansing properties.

If you are a working man or a working woman, your work life will keep you pretty busy for most of the day. With whatever little time left, you cannot actually think of spending some time to go to parlors or salons to take care of your skin. The best choice would be to use a good skin care product which can cleanse your skin and rejuvenate your skin after a long, tiring day. If it is a natural skin care product, it gets even better as it acts really gentle on your skin. When you think of natural skin care products, olive oil facial cleansers are one of the most sought after ones these days.

Nothing cleanses your skin like a good facial cleanser. All the dirt, sebum, and grime from your skin go off and your skin feels softer and smoother. Most skin specialists recommend avoiding artificial chemical face packs and using natural skin care products for better results. The biggest advantage in using a natural skin care product like olive oil facial cleanser is that there is no risk of any allergic reactions or side effects. With artificial cosmetic stuff, you can never be sure of the same as your skin can react negatively to a number of chemicals present in skin care products. So, it's best to stick to a good natural skin care product which can cleanse your skin gently.

One of the most important things you should know about cleansers is that they should go gentle on your skin. As you know, your skin requires moisture to look good and healthy. If you use a harsh cleanser, it will simply dry off your skin to such an extent that your skin will not have the essential moisture that it requires most. Olive oil facial cleansers, on the other hand, not only cleanse your skin thoroughly, but also retain the essential moisture in your skin. This way, your skin is not only clean, but also healthy.

Cleansing your skin with a good olive oil cleanser after a long day can help your skin immensely. Once you start doing this regularly, your skin will remain soft and smooth and look brighter than ever. Simply put - this is the easiest way to take care of your skin regularly.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at several beauty, antiaging and health-related websites. She retains her radiant skin with anti aging skincare products with natural ingredients that are so pure you could eat them. If you are serious about improving the health of your skin while making it appear younger, smoother and more attractive, visit http://www.agedefenseskincare.com

Thursday 3 December 2009

Chromosome Research Suggests Exercise Fights Aging

Exercise has long been viewed as an important factor for maintaining health and vitality in old age. Now, its anti-aging benefits are being understood on a genetic level.

Exercise and the Genetics of Aging

A new study published in the journal Circulation has found that strenuous long-term exercise, such as endurance running, may fight the aging process through its effects on chromosomes.

The health benefits of exercise have long been accepted, but this is the first study to offer an explanation on a cellular level.

The specific effects of exercise occurred in telomeres, repetitive DNA-protein complexes on the ends of chromosomes that are believed to impact aging. The shorter telomeres become, the more quickly cells die, and therefore the shorter a person’s life becomes.

“Ulrich Laufs, the study's co-author, … said one of the key findings was that lifelong exercise was associated with a significant prevention of telomere shortening,” John Fauber wrote for the Journal Sentinel.



The Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow is an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle sleep accessory that will help you lose that irritating “morning face” and promote healthier, smoother skin! “Morning Face”, or the lines and wrinkles we see as more prevalent when we wake up, are caused by sleeping on your side and stomach with your face constantly pressed against the pillow.

Reduce the signs of aging while you sleep! Mumbani’™ Fresh Face Pillow’s unique and patent-pending design greatly minimizes the appearance of “Morning Face” or morning wrinkles, lines and creases caused by sleeping on your side, and stomach, with your face always pressed against the pillow. Many dermatologists recommend sleeping on your back to avoid “sleep wrinkles” which become permanently etched in the skin*. With the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow, you can sleep on your side or stomach, knowing you are protecting your skin from the aging effects of side sleeping.

With the Mumbani Fresh Face pillow, you can sleep on your side or stomach, knowing you are protecting your skin from the aging effects of side sleeping.
The revolutionary, yet simple design of the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow creates a buffer between the face and the pillow, allowing the skin, while you sleep, to remain relaxed and allows for the creaseless and fresh appearance in the morning. The plush spa like cover is a surprisingly light, luxurious and easy to pack for travelling.

Quote from Elizabeth Bloch, Founder and President of OmP3, LLC, and creator of the Mumbani™: “I designed the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow 2 years ago for myself. I was fed up with the deep lines, wrinkles and creases caused from sleeping on my pillow, and knew the answer was a mini pillow or buffer to place between my head and my pillow. It worked so well that I decided to make them for my friends and family, and now it is available to the public online.”

The Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow is available online for $14.99 (plus shipping & handling) and for a limited time, holiday gift offer: Buy 2 for $22 (plus s&h) at http://www.mumbani.com/

Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level | World Health Science News

Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level | World Health Science News

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Under Eye Wrinkle Cream - The Facts

In most cases we get quite frustrated with our under eye wrinkle creams because they don't work according to our expectation. It only makes our life more difficult and at the end of the day, you may find that all the money you spent for a brand cream was nothing but a complete waste.

So what is going on actually? Why is this frustration? There are many skincare products offered by many cosmetics companies and all of them claim their creams to be the best. But the fact is none of their products are previously tested for health issues or for their positive effects.

These wrinkle creams are produced solely for commercial purposes and the companies owning them are not concerned about the safety of its users.

The glamour of celebrities and the breath taking promises to solve your problem in a week kind of claims - often gives us the hope that maybe your days of frustration is over.

But again, these are simply words. In reality, they don't work the way they are suppose too. In most cases these anti wrinkle creams are produced from artificial ingredients. Some of these ingredients can be so harsh that they cause long term damage to your skin.

Not only that, all skin creams and lotions are easily absorbed inside your body and they get mixed with your bloodstream. Simply think about the consequences that can occur when these harsh chemicals get inside your body. Not only can they cause damage to your skin, but to your internal body parts as well.

Many companies today put labels on their products claiming that these contain natural ingredients. But the question is how authentic are these statements? Even if they do contain the natural ingredients, are they maintaining the standard?

When it comes to under eye wrinkle creams, the health issue is even more serious because you are applying these creams around your eyes, which are very sophisticated parts of your body.

The best wrinkle creams to cure eye wrinkles should be made of natural ingredients only. Not from chemicals or not from a mixture of chemical and natural ingredients. So don't fall for all the claims of the skincare products.

Have your own investigation. Go for the pure natural wrinkle creams for your under eye wrinkles.

Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit http://www.natural-skin-care-resource.com to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Anti-Aging Skin Care - Free Radicals and Wrinkles

Everyone knows some of the damage that the sun can do to our skin. But the mere act of aging plays an equal part in the wrinkles and sagginess that happens to the skin over time. The more time we spend on this planet, the more we are exposed to damage causing free radicals. These radicals are a natural product of some of our every day bodily functions like breathing and digestion. The radicals bombard us from outside sources, too, such as air pollution, sun, heat, and cigarette smoke. They are impossible to avoid.

So what are free radicals and how do they do so much damage? They are molecules of oxygen that somewhere along their way have lost one of their two electrons. In order to survive, radicals rob other molecules in the body of an electron in order to correct its unstable condition. This is a vicious cycle, because when a free radical has stolen from another electron to repair itself, it creates another free radical. All of this "electron theft" going on in the body causes cell damage, and in the process changes genetic material. Damaged cells caused by free radicals can result in wrinkles because it causes the collagen and elastin in the skin to break down.

The best way to fight this free radical damage is with their natural enemy: antioxidants. Using anti-aging creams with an abundance of antioxidants can do wonders to restore some of the damage already done, and slow down further effects of these radicals. Some of the ingredients to look for are:

· Vitamin C - This can stimulate collagen production, heal damaged skin, and help reduce fine lines.
· Peptides - These help to restore elasticity to the skin.
· Coenzyme Q10 - This enzyme can aid in repairing skin already damaged by the sun, enhance cell growth, and firm and smooth the skin.

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements that contain things like vitamin A, C, and E and other antioxidants, in addition to a good anti-aging cream, can give extra protection against free radicals.

Note: By researching and comparing the best Anti Aging Formulas in the market, you will determine the one that is safe and right for you.

Renata Nyleve runs the http://www.BestAntiAgingSkinCare.tv website - where you can see her best rated anti aging skin care formula.

Good Skin Care Comes From Inside You

Here's a video that stresses the importance of diet and exercise in skin care and anti aging in general. Lots of information on antioxidants and their role in the control of free radicals.

Monday 30 November 2009

Best Anti Wrinkle Cream For Men - If You're Going to Use One, Make Sure It's the Most Effective!

Who was the fool who said men were logical and make sensible decisions, and women were too emotional and often made poor decisions -- It must have been a man!

Now I don't want to pick on all men, but it seems to me the older they get the more cantankerous and awkward they become, especially when it comes to looking after themselves and their skin in particular. It really shouldn't be so hard to get them to use the best anti wrinkle cream for men on a regular basis.

Trying to convince most men over the age of 50 they should start taking care of their skin after all this time is an ongoing challenge.

Most all of them hate shaving let alone fiddling around putting blobs of anti-aging cream all over their face. However that said it is really important for middle-aged and older men look after their skin.

A lot of men will probably say why bother starting now -- which is fair enough, but what they don't realize is their skin is already damaged particularly if they are an outdoors kind of person. It will only get worse as time goes by if they don't do something positive about it now.

It is not only wrinkles that increase as you get older, your skin dries out more -- your collagen and elastin levels have decreased significantly because your body can't make as many of them anymore (over 50% less or more).

Your skin becomes even more susceptible to free radical damage from the sun. More and more sun and age spots appear often-strange white old age warts and other growths and irritations appear on your skins surface.

"These are the facts"... unless you do something positive about it now you will be inconvenienced, annoyed and very frustrated just like every other older man before you who took no action to help their tissue cells when they could have.

There are many benefits to be had by using an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle cream regularly.

The best anti wrinkle cream for men will contain very effective active ingredients that can moisturize, hydrate and nourish dry and irritated tissues, as well as boosting your hyaluronic acid levels and stimulating regrowth of collagen and elastin protein cells to help reduce your wrinkles.

Now I don't want to kid you -- once you have deep wrinkles not even the best wrinkle cream is going to get rid of them for you. However I have seen reductions of up to 20% in wrinkle depth with continuous use of scientifically proven anti-wrinkle ingredients.

I hope some of you middle-aged and older men at least take some notice and take time to think about what I've said, and hopefully take some positive action to help look after your skin before it's too late.

If your interested to find out more on how some unique natural ingredients can help tighten your loose skin and reduce some of your wrinkles, visit my website below.

Discover the best natural skin care creams available today.

Kathryn M. Reid is trained in, and has years of experience in skin care management. She now recommends and uses natural skin care creams and supplements daily. To learn more, Go to => http://www.best-health-skin-site.com today.

Magic Anti Aging Cream Finally Found? Wrong! There is No Magic Anti Wrinkle Cream - Learn the Facts

There have been anti aging cream treatments for almost as long as people have been concerned about aging. But these products are becoming more and more prevalent in today's society. There is not magic anti aging cream out there, but there are some highly effective breakthrough ingredients that are making a difference in anti wrinkles skin products.

Many of these products will give you a younger, more youthful look, but none of them will be able to reverse the effects of aging completely. But there are many very effective products that make use of new developments in skin care and aging.

It has been discovered that one of the best ways to make your appearance look younger is to use an anti aging cream. But not all of these products are the same. You should look for creams with particular natural very effective ingredients, to get the best results.

Natural ingredients are better, because they do not have the harmful side effects that other products do, and because they have been proven over the course of time to be effective. They work extremely well with the oils in your skin to heal it and give you a more youthful look.

You should look for the following characteristics in an anti aging cream:

Moisturizers: which are required to make your skin hydrated, which is necessary for a youthful look.

Antioxidants: which save your skin from the stresses of free radicals, pollution, bad diets, and UV radiation?

Essential Oils: which work much like your skin's oils?

Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins and Minerals will help maintain your skin's proper balance and moisture level.

Emollients: High quality Emollients will smooth the skin and correct problems of irritation and inflammation.

Any good anti aging cream should have ingredients that perform some of those tasks.

They should also help replenish collagen and elastin production, which otherwise would breakdown and diminish over time. Collagen and elastin work together to protect your skin's elasticity and firmness to keep your skin looking like it did when you were younger.

Look for natural ingredients such as Edelweis Extract, Argireline and DMAE among others to replenish your collagen and elastin.

In conclusion; yes there are 'HIGH QUALITY' products which contain 'Highly Effective Active Ingredients' from trusted, reputable companies that really stand behind their products. Make sure you only deal with these top companies.

If you truly wish to make your skin look younger and more beautiful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other effects of aging go to this site immediately: Anti Aging Cream

This revolutionary anti aging cream system utilizes the most advanced ingredients available today. The active ingredients not only help to firm, hydrate, and tighten facial skin but also help to repair the appearance of fines lines, and the best of all; you get them for 'FREE'. Go and get your free package right now. Click here: Anti Aging Cream

Natural Skin Care

If you've ever wondered exactly what natural skin care means here is a definition that I have just found:

Natural skin care is the care of the skin (the largest organ of the body) using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with naturally occurring carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers (everything from natural soap to oils to pure water).

So now you know what it means, but to find out why natural skin care is so important you need to click the link to visit my other site where you will find a full explanation.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Natural Eye Makeup Remover

If you're looking for a cheap eye makeup remover take a tip from Michelle Phan:

"I have been using Extra Virgin Olive Oil to remove my eye makeup for a year. I remember someone told me how one of their friends work at Estee Lauder's makeup factory. The person mentioned how the giant bins they use to mix the eye makeup remover formula had to be replaced often because they corroded and disentegrated the bins. Horrified, I threw away my eye makeup removers and seek for a new option. I found that Extra Virgin Olive Oil not only removed all my makeup, but left my eyes feeling soft, my lashes conditioned and my skin supple. This natural eye makeup remover does not clog the pores or cause milia. Enjoy your inexpensive makeup remover!"

7 Skin Care Tips For Healthy & Radiant Skin!

Healthy and radiant skin is not just the result of expensive skin care products. Rather, you need to develop healthy skin care habits and make sure you take good care of your skin. Here are 7 essential skin care tips that every women should practice:

1. Use the Right Cleanser

Cleansing your face twice a day is important. What is more important is using the right type of cleanser. If you have oily acne prone skin, look for a cleanser that contains acne fighting ingredients like salicylic acid. IS Clinical Cleansing Complex is a good choice. It is also suitable for people with sensitive skin. If you have dry skin, consider using a mild nourishing cleanser that cleans your face without drying it too much like the Obagi Nu Derm Gentle Cleanser.

2. Change your Skin Care Products with Seasons

Your skin is a living organ that is affected by external conditions like humidity, heat and cold. The skin has different requirements in different seasons. Opt for rich creamy skin care products in the winter season to combat the excessive skin dryness. And during summer, shift to light oil-free skin care products.

3. Wash your Face before Going to Bed at Night

During the day your skin is inflicted with lots of pollutants and dirt particles that may clog the skin pores. Moreover, it is also important to remove the make-up from the face lest it clogs the pores and cause acne breakouts. Use an effective cleanser or make-up remover to cleanse your face thoroughly before going to bed. Obagi C Cleansing Gel is a mild Vitamin C enriched cleansing gel that removes make-up as well as cleans the skin.

4. Get your dose of Beauty Sleep

Sleep deprivation is the primary cause of puffy eyes and dark under-eye circles. Therefore, make sure you get at least 8 hours of peaceful sleep every day. Also, you can use Kinerase Under Eye Rescue. It is an amazing eye cream that improves the appearance of eyes by reducing puffiness and diminishing the dark circles.

5. Use Vitamin C enriched Skin Care Products

Vitamin C provides immense skin care benefits. In fact, when used with sunscreens, it can provide added protection against the UV rays of the sun. Use serums that contain L-ascorbic acid, a potent form of Vitamin C that is very easily absorbed by the skin cells. iS Clinical Poly-Vitamin Serum is an ideal choice. It regenerates hydrates and provides essential vitamins, bionutrients and antioxidants to the skin and heals many unwanted skin problems.

6. Use Specialized Anti Aging Skin Care Products

It is important to recognize the changing demands of your skin and cater to them effectively. Don’t wait till you see the first wrinkle on your face to start using anti aging products. Rather, start early and delay the appearance of aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, brown spots and sagging skin. Use skin care products that contain powerful anti-aging ingredients that serve to delay and even reverse the aging signs. Try using Kinerase Brightening Anti-Aging System. It includes two products – Brightening Face Serum and Concentrated Spot Treatment. It helps to reduce wrinkles and file lines, evens out the skin tone and removes age spots and acne scars leaving your skin luminous and refreshed.

7. Use Physician Recommended Skin Care Products

Unlike over-the-counter skin care products, physician recommended products contain stronger concentrations of ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids and antioxidants that target specific skin conditions and provides relief against them.


Friday 27 November 2009

Aging and the Advantages of Wrinkle Creams

Premature aging is a common problem especially among women. There are many ways to treat it and reduce signs of aging.

Aging is a normal cycle in humans. It begins to show once we reach the age of thirty. But sometimes even at a young age, premature aging occurs because of many factors. It could be out of too much stress, too much exposure to sunlight, unhealthy diet, smoking and many other reasons.

Aging is apparent in our physical appearance. Our skin becomes dry and we begin to develop wrinkles and fine lines. It shows more obviously around our eyes, on our cheeks, forehead, and body skin. These changes make us feel insecure sometimes and we think we do not look as nice as we once were.

Fortunately to us who live in the modern world, cosmetology is becoming more advanced and there are now several products available to us to treat this skin condition. These are collectively called anti-aging treatments. It could be anything we apply or drink to help prevent or reduce unwanted marks due to aging. Examples of these are cosmetic surgery, herbal medicines or anti-aging chemical products.

One of the most common anti-aging products is the wrinkle creams. These skin care products are known to effectively help our skin look younger and smoother.

The collagen production of our skin normally decreases as we grow older. Elastin and collagen are essential in keeping the skin soft, smooth and firm. It helps restore the normal texture of the skin. Thus, with decreased production in our bodies, we develop drier skin. And dry skin causes wrinkles.

What wrinkle creams do therefore is to help the body enhance the production of collagen. It also contains antioxidants which washes away free radicals from our skin.

There are different kinds of wrinkle creams in the market. They differ in the ingredients it contains and methods of application. Some of these anti-aging products can be used to some, while it may not be applicable to others.

Choosing an anti-aging product for your type of skin is important to avoid any side effects or irritations that may occur. First, you have to know the ingredients of a certain product before using it. Try the product starting from small quantities. Observe if the product is working perfectly on your skin without any irritations. If it shows positive results, then continue using it. If not, then it is best to discontinue and try other products.

Among the many wrinkle creams in the market is the Retinol Wrinkle Cream. This anti-aging product is a unique skincare solution which contains active ingredients and vitamins that rejuvenate the skin. Retinol works well in inducing these ingredients deeply to the skin to protect from any damage due to free radicals. This product is proven to be clinically safe and is an affordable alternative compared to expensive and painful cosmetic surgery.

Another popular kind of anti-aging product is the Vitamin C Wrinkle Creams discovered by Dr. Linus Pauling. His discovery has resulted in the production of skincare products which includes Vitamin C as an active ingredient.

Just like other wrinkle creams, with sufficient supply of Vitamin C the skin will develop its normal capability to produce enough collagen. Vitamin C is also known to help protect against premature aging, thus leaving the skin healthier.

Glycolic Acid Wrinkle Cream is another ideal anti-aging solution available in the market. Based on its name, it contains glycolic acid, a byproduct extracted from fruits. This is known to revitalize the skin cells. Its continued use can bring back the smooth texture of the skin in just short a short period of use.

Remember however that using these creams are not enough. It is also important to do change your lifestyle while applying these products also. Take up a healthy diet to help nurture the skin with the essential nutrients. It is also important to avoid alcohol and smoking because these are common culprits of premature aging also. It is also helpful to have a regular exercise and have enough rest. This will benefit your skin as well as to the whole body.

For more information on Antioxidants and Anti-Aging and Anti-Aging Skin Cream.Please visit our website.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Skin Care Tips For Over 40's

It's an age old problem (pardon the pun), but is there anything we can do to prevent the appearance of those deep lines and dry skin that age us prematurely, or is it all in our genes? When you were young you thought that you were invincible (skin included), and probably even spent hours in the sun tanning your body to a golden brown colour.

Now that we have reached our 40's, we are paying dearly for our earlier indulgences with skin that appears to be turning to leather before our very eyes. Is there anything we can do to regain that suppleness and elasticity in our skin?

Firstly, you need to be aware that there are two main factors that will affect the aging of your skin; intrinsic (genes) and extrinsic (external reasons, such as exposure to the suns rays). While some deterioration of the skin cannot be avoided with the aging processes, there are certainly ways in which we can lessen the effects. Such as:

Try and minimize your use of repetitive facial expressions, e.g. Frowning. raising your eyebrows and even smiling repeatedly can cause deep lines around your eyes and mouth and across your forehead.

Adjust your sleeping position, eg. don't sleep with your face pressed into the pillow, instead simply rest the side of your face on the pillow? Pressing your face into the pillow could eventually result in the dreaded "sleep lines" across your cheeks and chin. You could also try sleeping on your back to minimize these types of wrinkles.

If you do smoke - Quit Now! Nothing ages your skin more than smoking - it will rapidly add unsightly lines and wrinkles, add a yellowish tinge to your skin and give your skin a leathery texture Almost as soon as you quit smoking, you will start to see the lines and unhealthy colour and texture of your skin begin to fade away.

Try and minimize your sun exposure, and when you do head outside ensure that you apply a sunscreen and make it a part of your overall skin protection regime. Make sure that the sunscreen you use is a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen preferably with an SPF of 30+.

Now we know that you cannot do anything about the genetic factors that contribute to your aging skin, but you can try and reverse some of these effects with medical treatments such as dermabrasion, chemical peeling, botulinum or injectable fillers.

You could also consider some of the newer treatments like radio frequency which are rapidly taking the place of more invasive procedures like a complete face lifts.

Eating habits can also have a significant impact on the aging process. Due to today's stressful, fast-paced environment, we find it almost impossible to reach the recommended daily allowances of vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, antioxidants, etc. in our diets. Adding quality supplements to your diet to overcome any deficiencies can have a dramatic impact on your skin.

Be aware that your skin is the largest organ in your body. So it only makes sense that you should give your largest organ (your skin) the best possible food and supplements available to keep it performing at its peak.

So if you want to maintain your body, including your skin in top condition, then you need to eat healthy, add some supplements to your diet and exercise regularly. It's not enough to have a good long life, you want to have quality as well.

So quitting smoking, sleeping well, eating healthy and exercising regularly are the keys to living a longer, healthier, happier, higher quality of life.

About the Author

John has been writing articles on health, fitness and parenting for over 3 years now. After travelling frequently with his young son over the last two years he has set up http://portablecarseats.org/ to provide tips and information on FAA approved car seats

New Anti-Aging iPhone App Promises Better Skin - StyleList

New Anti-Aging iPhone App Promises Better Skin - StyleListCan an app stop wrinkles?

Probably not, but wouldn't you pay $2.99 to find out?

NY-based United Holdings Group has created 11 apps, available on the iTunes App Store the first week of January 2010, that claim to help with the anti-aging process.

The main one will have 10 Color-Light and Sound Therapy treatments to deal with wrinkles, acne, cellulite, joint pain, sleep disorder and hair growth stimulation. The healing strategy purports to use wavelengths of light and sound to stimulate cells to produce collagen and elastin, resulting in firmer skin and improved circulation.

The 10 other apps will be individual treatments and go for .99 cents each. We already loved our iPhone, but now we may have to marry it.

We're still gathering information on this exciting anti-aging development, so check back here in the next few days for more info!

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Quick Anti Aging Skin Care Guide - Simple Tips For Beautiful Skin

What can you do to realistically reduce the signs of aging that appear on your skin? You workout and eat right to control the natural bulge of your hips and stomach that often comes with age, but what about effective anti aging skin care treatment? The following anti aging skin care guide will fill you in on some basic tips that can lead to a healthier, more youthful looking face.

First, it is important to separate proper grooming from an anti aging skin care treatment plan. Most cases of acne, dry skin, or other problems are not caused by poor hygiene. Therefore, washing your face constantly with harsh soaps, toners, and cleansers is not going to eliminate acne, wrinkles, lines, sun spots, or any other sign of aging.

An effective anti aging skin care guide has to move beyond washing your face with mild soap only and eliminating harsh chemical based skincare products from your daily routine. It has to move on to the really important stuff, such as what you should in fact be putting on your face.

For this anti aging skin care guide, we will focus on some of the extremely effective ingredients that are now being used by only a select few product lines. We are talking about anti aging skin care treatment options that really can deliver more youthful skin free of wrinkles, lines, and unsightly breakouts.

One of the most impressive ingredients to look for is a special form of CoEnzyme Q10 called nano-lipobelle H EQ10. This all natural substance is more effective than virtually any other anti-wrinkle ingredient currently used on the market, mainly because it goes deeper down into the skin than most other ingredients.

Another ingredient to watch out for is a special form of Keratin known as CynergyTK. This is an exclusive ingredient found primarily in products from a heavily research-backed company, Xtend-Life. It actually forms a thin layer of skin-like substance across the top of the skin, which traps in more moisture to prevent drying out. It also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin which reduces wrinkles and sagging skin over time.

Of course, any effective anti aging skin care guide is going to instruct you to find products that include high concentrations of these ingredients. But, you also want to check out the other ingredients in your product to make sure they actually offer some benefit to your skin and are not just chemical fillers that could counteract the benefits of the main ingredients.

Click Here and discover effective anti aging skin care that diminishes fine lines, dry skin, and other signs of aging.

Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Many people have turned to anti aging skin care products to reduce the signs of aging. There are thousands of these products to choose from and they all promise to make you look younger and more beautiful or handsome. We will discuss the reasons why using skin care products is important, but is not the complete answer to keeping your skin looking young and healthy.

There is much to be said for using anti ageing derm care products. If you decide to use products especially for the skin, start with protecting your skin from sun damage. Sun damage from UV rays is not only damaging to the health of your skin but it also wrinkles the skin. Find a good sun block and use it daily.

Organic anti ageing skin care products have come into their own. The time when products were full of chemicals have progressed into products that contain all natural ingredients that do the job of eliminating wrinkles but in a healthy, non-toxic way.

A good skin care regimen begins with taking care of the inside of our bodies by drinking plenty of water, eating the right foods, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. This basic regimen can't be replaced with using topical skin creams. Products that help the body fight aging at the cellular level such as resveratrol should be considered in your fight against aging skin. Not only will your skin look good but your whole body will benefit.

Another problem with using anti-aging products is you have to try several before you find the right product for you and this can prove to be a very expensive experiment.

If you decide to combine anti-aging skin care products with a basic healthy regimen of good food, exercise, and plenty of sleep, your skin will gain every opportunity to look younger and healthier. Add a product such as resveratrol and you have a winning combination.

Note: By researching and comparing the best Anti Aging Formulas in the market, you will determine the one that is safe and right for you.

Renata Nyleve runs the http://www.BestAntiAgingSkinCare.tv website - where you can see her best rated anti aging skin care formula.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

How to Compare Night Creams Without Being Fooled

Finding the best over the counter night cream is no easy task. If you're anything like me, then learning how to compare night creams can be a real handful.

It's not easy to know what to look for in skincare products, because they are all claiming to be the best. But over the years, I've made many mistakes, but I've learned a few things along the way that have helped me find the product that I now use daily.

The Simple Secret to Comparing Night Creams

When you want to compare night creams, you want to first and foremost look at the ingredients that the cream you are about to buy contains.

You see, many skincare companies use cheap filler ingredients and chemicals so that they can produce everything cheaper, but it is we the consumers who have to pay the price with our health.

These ingredients can cause skin disorders, depression, irritability, and even cancer in the long-run, so you really want to know what you're putting on your skin.

The best over the counter night cream should be 100% pure, and completely natural. On top of that you also want to look for ingredients that have been proven effective in clinical trials, and backed by scientific data.

There are so many companies out there now that are putting low-quality ingredients in their products and lying about what it can do. If you want the best over the counter night cream, look for ones with ingredients like Phytessence Wakame, Cynergy TK, and Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10.

Those are the ingredients I have in my night cream, and the results have been nothing short of breathtaking, and I am glad that I finally found a good cream after years of searching.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best over the counter night cream, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Rebecca S. Purple is an educator, researcher, and believer of keeping skin looking young, healthy, and wrinkle-free with all natural ingredients. Visit her website Moisturizer Reviews today to discover the scientifically proven ingredients the big companies do not want you to know about.

What Does Vitamin E Do for the Skin?

I found this video all about vitamin E and its importance in skin care and thought that it might be of interest:

Monday 23 November 2009

The Secrets To Increase Elastin In Skin - 3 Things You Must Know To Reclaim Youthful Skin

Ever wondered how to get more elastin in skin without getting those injections? Curious to know how to increase both collagen and eliastin in your skin the chemical free, safe and healthy way?

One thing you should know first though...your skin doesn't stay soft, firm and supple as the years roll by. Why? The main reason -- the loss of the two vital skin proteins called collagen and elastin.

This is simply part of the aging process. In your earlier years, the collagen and elastin content of human skin was at high levels.

But now, the loss of collagen and elastin in skin starts appearing. As time slips by, skin starts to sag, develop fine lines and winkles which are all due to a breakdown of those two proteins.

Many people don't know this, but the skincare products advertised that claim to add back elastin in skin don't work. You can apply all the skincare cream that says "collagen & elastin added" on the label but you're wasting your time and money.

The reason -- those two proteins are much too large to penetrate into the skin.

What has to happen to boost the collagen and elastin content of human skin -- find skincare containing ingredients that do produce the skins own elastin and collagen.

But to boost your own collagen and elastin, there are particular natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to increase your body's own production of the two vital skin proteins.

Here are the ingredients you must know about to reclaim your youthful skin. Substances which are chemical-free, 100% natural and proven effective at adding collagen and elastin in skin are: CynergyTK, Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ 10 and Active Manuka Honey.

If you have a hard time finding these ingredients don't worry. If the mainstream skincare brand products don't contain them, there are skin care products available and easily ordered via the online.

Make no mistake about it, if you want to increase elastin in skin there are chemical free and safe natural ingredients out there. Find the natural skincare that works by making your body do what it used to do in your younger years...help your body produce more of it's own collagen and elastin protein.

Visit my website today to find more amazing natural ingredients found in collagen elastin products which are chemical free, safe, healthy and effective.

Marcia Kruger is a researcher, editor and advocate of a natural healthy lifestyle that includes skin care and supplementation. Marcia enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she finds and uses daily. Visit her latest site www.health-beauty-and-vitality.com for more information.

Are Natural Skin Care Products The Answer To Your Skin Care Problems?

Most articles that discuss natural ingredients in skincare products assume that the answer is obvious. According to them chemicals are bad and natural is good, but it appears that in reality things are not qite so simple.

I found this article by a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who raises some interesting questions. Here is an extract from his article:

" So, are natural skin care products the answer to all of our problems? What if a natural skin care product is not available for the treatment of a particular skin disorder? Are the synthetic skin care products so harmful that they should be banned?

The answer is No natural skin care products do not fix all of our problems. Maybe the author should have asked …so, are natural skin care products to answer to all our skin care problems? – then the answer would have still been No, and neither do any other skin care products on the market today – natural or otherwise.

Not all skin problems can be treated using some topical application – Many diseases such as measles, chickenpox, herpes and many more are diseases, which as part of their symptomatology, have a skin component. To think that using natural skin care products or for that matter a synthetically formulated skin care product could treat this types of conditions is ludicrous".

Then he continues:"If on the other hand we are simply referring to dry, oily, mature or sensitive skin, than there is no need for synthetic chemicals. Nor is this the case in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis or similar conditions, unless they are of a genetic origin – then there is very little that can be done other than symptom control, which natural skin care products can do just as well as any synthetic equivalent, if not better.

You see most mass-produced skin care products, whether they are 100% natural skin care products or have a synthetic component, will not work on any condition that has an internal disease process involved. For example a hormonal imbalance may cause acne. This acne will persist until the hormonal imbalance is corrected".

To read the whole article follow this link.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Resveratrol Anti Aging Skin Care - Get a More Younger and Healthy Looking Skin

The quest for younger skin should begin as early as possible to condition and nourish your skin for that soft and supple feeling, a luxury you may enjoy for the rest of your life. An anti aging skin care treatment is the first step in the right direction for that lifelong journey towards longevity with a younger looking you.

Our skin, particularly the face, takes a beating with airborne pollutants, chemicals, sun and wind damage, and the ravages of time. However, the repair and reversal of dried out skin is to be expected with the use of a diligent anti aging program. Results will vary, but the key to success is to find the product that works best for your individual skin type, and keep up with your treatments no matter how tired you are at night.

Unlike traditional skin creams from the past, today's youth preserving products are designed for fast results and long lasting effects. Many natural anti aging products, based for instance on resveratrol, work deep down into the pores for a complete rejuvenation below the surface level. Nonetheless, there are other formulas that work from the inside out. With regular usage, the skin cells begin to respond to their new vitality with a healthy glow and radiant shine.

Women around the world, of all ages and skin types, have reported remarkable improvements with just the early stages of their resveratrol skin care regiment, and over time, the results have diminished fine lines, wrinkles and plumped up sagging skin.

No longer must women "look" their age, but rather, we may "choose" our age with an array of facial products that will turn back time. The longevity business is here to stay with technology moving forward and the hands of time moving backward. Some of those products are natural, like the aforementioned one, other are chemical compounds, the final decision is yours.

Note: By researching and comparing the best Anti Aging Formulas in the market, you will determine the one that is safe and right for you.

Renata Nyleve runs the http://www.BestAntiAgingSkinCare.tv website - where you can see her best rated anti aging skin care formula.

Nature's Best Remedies to Get Rid of Eye Bags

Excess alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, and sometimes genetics play a huge part in the formation of eye bags. Working long hours with a computer and too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun can also lead to eye bags. In some instances, puffy eyes are also caused by allergies. Whatever the reason, it is best to consult a doctor so that you will know the reason why you have eye bags, and thereby allay your fears. Knowing the reason will also give you an idea what your problem really is so that you can make a plan on how to get rid and prevent further formation of eye bags.

There are many natural remedies designed to eliminate puffy eyes. Aside from being totally safe, it can also soothe and protect your eyes. So what are nature's best remedies for those hideous bags under your eyes?

* Rosewater. Pamper your eyes with chilled rose water soaked in cotton and placed on top of your eyes while you rest your eyes. Experience the pure and soothing relief that you get from Rosewater.

* Chilled Water. Splashing chilled water on your face every morning is a great way to start your day. The cool water will rejuvenate your skin and will definitely relax you.

* Anti-Aging Creams. The areas around your eyes are very sensitive thus you should not use any chemical based product for they can cause more harm. Use anti-aging creams with natural ingredients and sunscreen to nourish and protect your skin.

* Get a good night's sleep. Be sure to have a good sleeping position for this can do wonders in preventing eyebags and puffy eyes when you wake up. Keep your head slightly elevated to prevent excess fluid from collecting below your eyes.

* Wet Tea Bag Treatment. An often over-looked but very effective regimen to prevent eye puffiness.

* Potato slices, cucumber slices or cotton soaked potato or cucumber juice will definitely help you get rid and prevent eye bags.

Discover the Breakthrough Natural best Anti aging creams that diminishes wrinkles, fine lines and recovers your skin smoothness, without using harsh chemicals.

Learn about the best way to prevent wrinkles that help you hide imperfections from your skin.

Friday 20 November 2009

4 Reasons Why the Best Wrinkle Cream is Natural

Have you been thinking about investing in natural anti-aging products lately? If so, you'll be happy to know that the best wrinkle cream is a natural one. Choosing natural skin care is the best insurance for keeping your youthful skin and getting rid of wrinkles. Why? You are about to find out.

1. Safety
The truth is that most wrinkle creams are made of chemicals that can cause premature wrinkling and adverse health effects, if used extended periods of time.

For example Parabens, a group of preservatives which are used widely in wrinkle creams, have been linked to breast cancer in a scientific study.

There are many ingredients like these, and it can be avoided by using safe, natural creams.

2. Antioxidant
Natural creams are mostly very rich in antioxidants, which are important to help your skin cells repair and rejuvenate themselves.

3. More Effective
It is true, natural wrinkle creams are often more effective than regular ones. The important thing to look for is proven effective ingredients in the cream. Here are some ingredients you'll find in the best wrinkle cream:

Cynergy TK, is proven to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. A clinical study with human volunteers shows a continued improvement in skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days. This means the skin gets firmer.

Natural Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that has been proven to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots in many scientific studies.

Wakame Kelp, a Japanese sea kelp extract that has been proven to increase skin elasticity and thereby makes your skin firmer.

4. Stronger Health
Without the toxic chemicals of your regular skin cream attacking your immune function you will have a healthier body. The natural cream will support a better immune function and increase your wellbeing.

Look for the best wrinkle cream, without strange preservatives and fillers in it. It should have plenty of active ingredients that are proven safe and effective to reduce wrinkles.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best wrinkle cream, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Visit my website by clicking here: http://www.natural-flawless-skin.com

Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally and Safely

Age spots actually begin to show up on most people once they hit mid 40's, however for some it might be sooner. Once you begin to experience these spots the first thing on your mind is how to get rid of age spots. You should be looking for the safest and most effective method you can use to accomplish this. Finding the right treatment for you will take some research, however there are treatments available that can help.

Do you really know what causes these age spots in the first place?

Let me tell you. Age spots are caused from prolonged exposure in the sun. Many of us in our earlier years enjoyed sun bathing, we based in the sun with the hopes of achieving that bronzed look not realizing the damage we are causing yourself. This is true especially if you were not using sun screen protection. The sun causes free radical activities which damages skin cells. It also causes the activity of melanin in the skin.

Melanin is the substance that gives skin and hair their color. The darker your skin tone the more you are able to tolerate the UV rays of the sun. People with lighter skin will experience more burning and thus more age spots as they get older.

There have been different methods of getting rid of these spots some of which are: microdermabrasion, chemical peel and laser resurfacing. These methods require removing the top layers of the skin exposing the underlying layer which can subject you to infection. They all require some recovery time where you have to stay out of the sun until properly healed and they can be expensive. If you desire to try any of these methods make sure you consult with a dermatologist to choose which option would be best for you depending on your skin type.

Fortunately there are other methods available which does not involve such harsh treatment, a company in New Zealand has developed a naturally safe and effective skin whitening cream that contain a natural plant based substances called Extrapone Nutgrass. Extrapone nutgrass is a natural melanin inhibitor which protects your skin from the UV rays of the sun. It has been shown to inhibit melanin by up to 40% which is very promising.

Age spots are unsightly and you can try to cover them up, however wouldn't it be great if you could eliminate them over a period of time by using a safe product. This skin whitening cream will not only give you an even tone, it also contains other natural ingredients that will help keep your skin smooth, soft and firm while getting rid of your age spots.

Beautiful skin is achievable, you deserve beautiful skin. Relax, take a deep breathe and learn how to get rid of your age spots by visiting: http://www.healthy-body-and-skin.com

Top 10 Quick Tips For Anti Aging That Work

Part of being human is growing older and older every day, week and year. But some people don't seem to be as affected of this aging process. They have found the key to how to age slowly and look youthful even after their 40's.

Here are the top tips for anti aging that work for plenty of aged, young-looking beauties around the world.

1. Be Passionate and Happy
People that are passionate about something in life usually are healthier and younger-looking, as they do not stress as much. This is more important than all the other tips for anti aging.

2. Move Your Body
This has proven to keep most people more youthful and healthy. Do whatever exercise you like the most, and if you are concerned about wrinkles on your face you can even exercise your facial muscles.

3. Make Healthy Food Choices
Foods high in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins serve you and able the body to fight the causes of aging.

4. Drink Lots of Water
At least 8 glasses a day, this keeps the skin firm and helps the body to get rid of toxins.

5. Get Enough Sunlight
Sunlight is vital for the health of the whole body as it gives us vitamin D. Get some sunlight every day, but don't sunbathe the whole days and avoid the hottest hours. Always moisturize the skin afterwards.

6. Sleep Enough
7-8 hours a night is sufficient for most people and an important time for the body to heal and regenerate.

7. Avoid Unhealthy Habits
You know what they are; smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating on sugary, processed or deep-fried food items etc.

8. Have Sex More Often
When you do you get to exercise as well as get more relaxed and eliminate stress. Researchers in England found that people who had sex 2-3 times a week looked up to 10 years younger.

9. Take a Supplement
If you are like most people you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. Taking a high quality natural nutritional supplement has many health benefits, like getting more energy and better-looking skin!

10. Use an Anti-Aging Moisturizer
Always stay moisturized as dry skin easily gets wrinkled. Using a natural anti-aging moisturizer that stimulates an increased growth of collagen and elastin can smoothen out wrinkles even more.

These are the most important tips for anti aging that have been proven to work for people time and again. Start implementing as many as you like and you will start to both look and feel younger.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best anti-aging skincare, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results. Visit my website by clicking here: http://www.natural-flawless-skin.com

Thursday 19 November 2009

Skin Deep - Skin-Care Products for Men - NYTimes.com

MEN care about their skin, and they’re spending money on it. Purchases of premium priced ($70 and above) men’s skin-care face products increased by 8 percent in the first half of 2009 compared with the same period last year, according to the NPD Group, a market research firm. Luxury skin-care companies are taking note.

Espa, a spa company, has a men’s line that includes a facial wash; a ShaveMud made with kaolin (a white clay); and a skin tonic that includes essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, lavender and peppermint. When the line was introduced in 2008, “sales took off immediately” and grew by 30 percent from one year to the next, according to Sue Harmsworth, chief executive of Espa.

Kiehl’s, which has 18 men’s products, has recently expanded its offerings. “Recently, we have gotten a lot of requests for men looking to get rid of puffiness and dark circles under their eyes,” said Chris Salgardo, president of Kiehl’s USA. In response, the company added an Eye De-Puffer to its men’s Facial Fuel line this fall.

For his new skin-care line, Kyoku for Men, Asim Akhtar traveled to a Japanese village known for its healthy aging population. The villagers had flawless skin, which seemed to be related to their nature-based skin-care rituals that included the use of local plants and substances like volcanic ash, bamboo and ginseng. Mr. Akhtar combined these ingredients with microparticle technology to create Kyoku. The line has been a hit at high-end retailers in London like Harrods, and will be available this year in the United States.

Skin Deep - First Aid for Distressed Nails

WE all know about products for aging skin, but what about aging nails?

Those products are out there. But whether they work is up for debate. This fall, Dermelect Cosmeceuticals, a company based in Great Neck, N.Y., released a line of products for aging nails that features an ingredient called ProSina, which is extracted keratin from sheep’s wool. The Dermelect Web site says that ProSina features an “active form” of an amino acid that gives the product the ability to “cross link with the keratin in nails, resulting in the integrity and cohesion of the nail plate.”

Dr. Ella Toombs, a Washington-based dermatologist, isn’t sold. “I am not aware of any clinical data supporting the penetration and integration of keratin into the nail plate following the application of a nail lacquer,” she said.

But Virginia Haygood, a buyer at the department store Takashimaya New York, thinks otherwise. “My nails became stronger and my cuticles weren’t as ragged as before,” she said. Now Takashimaya and the apothecary C. O. Bigelow both carry Dermelect.

Anti-aging nail products might have questionable dermatological benefits but they can provide coverage for ridges and discoloration, both telltale signs of nail distress, according to Dr. Toombs. Dermelect offers a ridge filler with ProSina, and Essie has a Fill the Gap ridge smoothing base coat, with yucca extract. For discoloration, pink-hued nail strengtheners that cancel out yellow tones are available through Essie, Dermelect and Perfect Formula.


Anti Aging Treatments Will Keep Your Skin Looking Fantastic

Anti aging skin care products include cleansers and exfoliates that will help keep your skin scrupulously clean. Gently remove your eye makeup and then your face makeup with an oil-based cream or milk lotion before washing your face. Forget the harsh soaps and cleansers and the hot water. Use lukewarm water on your face and pat your skin dry rather than rub it. For extra-deep cleansing, use an exfoliate or a cleansing mask weekly, or if your skin is very sensitive, monthly.

After cleansing, use a toner or a skin firming product and then apply a moisturizer of which there are two types. One is the group of humecants such as glycerin, sorbitol, lactic acid, and urea, which attract and hold moisture; the other is the family of emollients such as petroleum jelly, lanolin, and mineral oil that form barriers to seal in moisture. Both are effective, and you will have to experiment to discover which type you prefer and works best for you. Use a light, easily absorbed moisturizer during the day, and apply a heavier moisturizer at night.

You can find cleansers, toners, and moisturizers designed for oily, dry, and combination skin. Over-active oil glands can cause acne to erupt at various ages, and your skin will become drier with age. Select skin care products suitable for your skin type.

As well as a toner and the essential moisturizer, you can find anti aging products designed specifically to lighten age spots, to protect the tender skin under the eyes, to treat dry lips, and to manage acne and blemishes. If you would like to reduce wrinkles, alpha hydroxy acids and Retin A are the modern miracle treatments and they can be prescribed by your doctor.

Whatever cleansing, moisturizing, or problem-solving skincare products you use, if you forget your sunscreen, it is all a waste of money and effort. Skin has no greater enemy than the sun ? protect it well from those harmful rays. Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15, and slap it on summer and winter, on sunny days and under heavy cloud cover. Those damaging rays can reach right through the clouds and find your unprotected skin. Don?t forget to put sunscreen on your lips, too.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Aging of the Face and Simple Solutions to Slow Aging Naturally

Some doctors seem to believe that aging of the face can only be corrected through the use of painful injections. In a recent interview with one of those doctors, he said that topical treatments will never provide the same results as injections. But, if he had kept up with the latest research, he might not be so sure of that. The latest research indicates that anti aging face creams can be just as, if not more effective than painful injections.

If you're like most people, your goal is to reverse wrinkles and avoid getting new ones in the future. While the injections may have an effect more quickly, the effect is not long lasting. While, we might not be able to avoid the signs of age completely, with good genes, good diet, regular exercise and the use of good skincare products, we should be able to keep them to a minimum.

If you look around at the people you know, you may notice that some people seem to age more gracefully than others. If you know much about your friends' activities, you may notice that the ones who spent a lot of time in the sun, during their youth, look older than office workers and people that spend most of their time indoors, even if they are the same age.

Researchers noticed years ago that some people have wrinkles, while others do not. That made them want to find out what actually causes wrinkles and aging of the face. There have been numerous theories.

One of the prevalent theories is that wrinkles are caused by habitual facial expressions, but that doesn't explain why your sun-loving friends look older than their contemporaries. Everyone has habitual facial expressions. What research has shown is that the sun contributes to molecular activity that causes wrinkles, age spots and similar problems.

Anti aging face creams can fight that molecular activity, if they contain antioxidants. It is the free radical that causes most of the aging of the face and does damage throughout the body. Chronic inflammation plays a role, as well.

There are some effective anti aging face products that contain both antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and natural anti-inflammatories that prevent chronic inflammation. Inflammation plays a role in a variety of skin problems, including rosacea, acne, psoriasis and eczema. So, it's best to try and keep it under control.

In various studies, anti aging face creams containing coenzyme Q10, Cynergy TK and other antioxidants have been shown to smooth out fine lines, reverse wrinkles, improve firmness and improve the skin's moisture content. CoQ10 can even help prevent sun damage, if applied before sun exposure. It doesn't work like a sunscreen, though. So, you still need to limit your exposure and use a zinc oxide sun block when you expect to spend a great deal of time in the sun.

There are many other things that you can do to avoid aging of the face and to repair damage already done, without resorting to painful injections. If you learn more about those things and implement them in your life, you can show the doctors that injections aren't the only solution.

Valerie Rosenbaum is an expert author on the subject of anti wrinkle skin firming creams. She recommends only natural products that use ingredients like Cynergy TK, Functional Keratin and Phytessence Wakame.

She has been researching skin firming creams for many years. The holistic skin care products she discovered use Cynergy TK to instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while nourishing the skin with Functional Keratin. To learn more about what she found visit her website.

A New Anti Wrinkle Cream - Better, More Powerful and Amazingly Effective

Have you been looking for a new anti wrinkle cream that is more effective than anything you've tried before? One that will reduce your wrinkles dramatically over time as well as improve the health of your skin?

How Does it Work?

One of the newer creams on the market is a natural active day cream using the latest cell rejuvenation technology. It has proven effective ingredients and over 50% active ones in it.

This is new anti wrinkle cream targets the three most important causes of wrinkling and sagging skin, which are:

-Decreased production of collagen and elastin
-Lower level of hyaluronic acid
-Oxidation caused by free radicals

Most anti-aging creams address only one or maximum two of these issues, but it is when you tackle all three of these key reasons of aging that you get the really amazing results.

What Ingredients Should I Look For?

Long gone is the time when a natural wrinkle cream meant unscientific and ineffective, nowadays the best natural skin care products are sophisticated and made of ingredients that are proven effective by clinical studies and scientific research.

The ingredients that make the new anti wrinkle cream work are Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10.

Cynergy TK is a true breakthrough in skin care, which is proven to stimulate an increased production of collagen and elastin in the skin. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, promotes firmness and promotes a more even and radiant complexion.

Phytessence Wakame is proven to raise the levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin which gives a proven increased firmness. It is also antioxidant, moisturizing and soothing.

Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 is one of the most potent antioxidants out there that counteracts the oxidation caused by free radicals deep in the skin. It is a nano-emulsion form of CoenzymeQ10, which can penetrate through 7 layers of skin while regular CoenzymeQ10 only stays on the surface.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best wrinkle cream, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Visit my website by clicking here: http://www.natural-flawless-skin.com

Aging Well & Choosing Right For Healthy Skin

Aging well is a goal that many people have, today. It means focusing on good nutritional intake, being physically active and enjoying a variety of social activities. Keeping the mind active is also important for reducing the risk of Alzheimer's and age-related dementia.

To most people, it also means doing everything that they can to keep their skin looking healthy and wrinkle free. With all of the options available today, a person that has enough money can look 20 years younger, practically overnight. But, the injections that offer those quick fixes are painful and not that safe.

An FDA panel reviewed the safety of shots containing collagen, Botox, hyaluronic acid and synthetic fillers. The panel called for the inclusion of warning labels and more testing, because of the 1000 reported adverse reactions, between 2003 and 2008. The adverse reactions ranged from severe swelling to permanent scarring.

Mild and moderate adverse reactions included pain, bruising, swelling at the sight of the injection, redness and hard bumps. If you do consider this kind of therapy, you should choose an experienced doctor that is board certified in cosmetic surgery or dermatology. It is also important to find out how long he or she has been using the material. You might not want to be the guinea pig for something new.

Aging well on the outside does not require the cosmetic injections. There are hundreds of different creams on the market. Each provides varying results. Some are obviously more effective than others. As with the injections, one of your major concerns should be safety.

Even some of the topically applied creams have caused permanent scarring. If you experience and adverse reaction to a topically applied cream, you should contact a dermatologist about reporting the reaction to the FDA. They can only have unsafe products removed from the market, if adverse reactions are reported.

Most experts agree that one of the best solutions for aging well is the use of antioxidant-rich creams. In fact, the only prescription wrinkle cream contains a synthetic antioxidant called retinol. Retinol has been known to cause redness, peeling and irritation. Safer solutions, like Cynergy TK, are available in over-the-counter products.

Some of those solutions may be even more effective than retinol, judging from clinical trials. Coenzyme Q10, for example, is an antioxidant found in all of the cells of the body. It seems to play an important role in protecting the skin's cells from sun damage, judging by the fact that it is quickly depleted when the skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun.

A diet rich in antioxidants is believed to be one of the keys to aging well, because antioxidants are the body's only defense against free radical damage, a major cause of cellular aging. Other causes of age include inflammation and glycation. When it comes to the outer signs of aging, decreased production of elastic fibers and low levels of hyaluronic acid are also causes.

With the right solutions, aging well is possible. We don't have to look older than we feel.

Valerie Rosenbaum is an expert author on the subject of anti wrinkle skin firming creams. She recommends only natural products that use ingredients like Cynergy TK, Functional Keratin and Phytessence Wakame.

She has been researching skin firming creams for many years. The holistic skin care products she discovered use Cynergy TK to instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while nourishing the skin with Functional Keratin. To learn more about what she found visit her website.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

3 Reasons Why the Best Eye Wrinkle Remover is Natural

Most of us are used to seeing all kinds of strange ingredients in our skin care creams and don't question that for a moment. But is it all that great with those chemicals? Could a natural eye wrinkle remover do the trick for those crow's feet in the corners of your eyes?

3 Reasons Why a Natural Eye Wrinkle Remover is Best
Using a quality natural eye wrinkle serum is good for both your appearance and your health, because natural products can help keep your immune function high as it doesn't attack your body with toxic chemicals.

1. No Harmful Chemicals
This is the most obvious reason for people to choose natural skin care products. Studies have shown that using certain chemicals on the skin for long periods of time can affect both your skin and body negatively.

A few examples of such ingredients are parabens, triclosan, dioxanes, fragrances, ureas and sulfates. These are suspected to cause several health issues, including cancer, organ toxicity and premature skin aging.

2. Gentler for the Skin around the Eyes
An eye serum with proven safe natural ingredients is gentler for the sensitive skin around your eyes, and will not do any harm even if you happen to get a little in your eyes.

3. Even More Effective
An eye serum with proven effective ingredients and a high amount of active ingredients is more effective than most regular products. There are plenty of natural substances that are proven to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging, and even improve the overall look of your skin.

Ingredients like Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame, Eyeliss and CoenzymeQ10 are powerful and should be included generously in your natural eye serum.

Today you can find a natural eye wrinkle remover that is more effective than one with chemicals, because the scientific research on natural ingredients has shown that they are both more potent and better for your body.

Find Out More Today

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best eye serum, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Visit my website by clicking here: http://www.natural-flawless-skin.com

Skin Care for People Over 40

Here's a few helpful tips I found for the over 40s:

"Let's face it folks. The older we get, the less we like what happens to our skin. What used to be shiny, resilient and blemish-free is now … not so much.

Here is some practical information about how to care for and maintain skin and hair health for the over 40 set.

Unfortunately, the smooth, blemish-free skin of youth starts to age as early as adolescence, in the form of acne. As time marches on, genetics and sun exposure also take their toll. Collagen and elastin, substances that keep skin supple and wrinkle-free, start to break down as early as your 20s, further forwarding the aging process."

Age Gets Better Wth Wine Claims Top Doctor

With the skill of a surgeon, the smarts of a scientist, and an unbiased perspective, a top cosmetic surgeon has written the most up to date guide to wine and anti-aging. Dr. Richard Baxter's "Age Gets Better with Wine: New Science for a Healthier, Better, and Longer Life" explores how we age and why a glass of wine with meals may just be what the doctor orders.

Intent on helping his patients combat aging in addition to helping them look their best, Baxter has reviewed over 2500 scientific studies to find the most reliable data. Volumes have been written on this topic by dozens of experts in specific fields, but nothing offers the whole current picture for health conscious consumers seeking to make informed choices. Dr. Baxter reveals the most current findings in wine polyphenol research and the benefits of moderate consumption of red wine, such as:

o Resveratrol looks to hold the key to preventing Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and heart disease.
o Moderate wine drinking preserves bone density.
o Red wine sipped with steak helps neutralize harmful free radical oxidants and saturated fats.
o Moderate drinking releases feel-good endorphins.
o Resveratrol helps burn fat by activating prolongevity genes called sirtuins, which are normally turned on by caloric restriction, or near-starvation.
Read more..

Are Paraben Free Anti Aging Moisturizers The Way To Go? | Health Articles

I found this article about the dangers of parabens in skin care products. Here is an extract:

"The market for paraben free anti aging products, paraben free skin care products and paraben free cosmetics is growing faster and faster. What exactly are parabens and why should you choose a paraben free anti aging moisturizer?

Parabens are chemicals that are used in many personal and beauty products such as skin care products and anti aging products and cosmetics.

Parabens are used in these products as preservatives and they work very well as preservatives and are exceedingly cheap. There are other alternatives for use as preservatives however these are generally more expensive. But there is some doubt about the safety of parabens in our personal products.

There are studies which have linked parabens in personal products to breast cancer for example. One study found that’ out of 20 breast cancer tissue samples tested contained parabens in them. Whilst the fact that these cancer tissue samples contain parabens is not proof that parabens caused the cancer it is certainly something that makes you wonder. However to date there are no conclusive studies proving that parabens causes cancer or other human diseases."

Follow the link to read the full article

Monday 16 November 2009

Anti Aging Skin Care For Facial Skin Rejuvenation

Finding the right anti aging skin care product can be a trial and error process. Stopping mother nature's clock can be a difficult task for some women to accomplish, with so many products on the market today. Researching the different products is usually the only way to weed out the products that are full of hype and doesn't truly work. You may have to test out several products, before you can narrow it down to one. Mainly because every person is different, so what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you.

Researching different facial rejuvenation products doesn't have to be a difficult task to over come. You can start by narrowing it down to what your want for yourself. Do you want a natural product? Does the product have to not only provide you with rejuvenation, but it should it also moisturize the skin? Once you are armed with your answers you can then narrow your results down.

Natural products that contain the chemical Resveratrol can provide many individual with anti aging benefits as well as promote weight loss and boost their immune system. Resveratrol is found in many nuts, plants and also in the skin of many red foods. This all natural products has provided many individuals with the confident they need to socialize with younger people or just providing them with a younger more vibrant looking skin.

Not everyone is going to use all natural products, that's why finding the product that works for you is the best way to figure out what your skin can handle. Remember to research every product that goes on your skin. Many chemicals in some products can not only damage a person skin, it can also throw their chemical makeup off balance. Sometimes using products that are naturally made from the earth and not in a lab can be the ultimate decision maker for many individuals.

Note: By researching and comparing the best Anti Aging Formulas in the market, you will determine the one that is safe and right for you.

Renata Nyleve runs the http://www.BestAntiAgingSkinCare.tv website - where you can see her best rated anti aging skin care formula.

Welcome To My Simply Skin Care Blog

Wecome to my simply skin care blog where I will be posting information on anti aging skincare news and products. My aim is to provide a source of news and information that over time will grow into a major place of reference for people looking for advice and assistence on anti aging products, anti wrinkle creams and facial skin care.