Friday 20 November 2009

Top 10 Quick Tips For Anti Aging That Work

Part of being human is growing older and older every day, week and year. But some people don't seem to be as affected of this aging process. They have found the key to how to age slowly and look youthful even after their 40's.

Here are the top tips for anti aging that work for plenty of aged, young-looking beauties around the world.

1. Be Passionate and Happy
People that are passionate about something in life usually are healthier and younger-looking, as they do not stress as much. This is more important than all the other tips for anti aging.

2. Move Your Body
This has proven to keep most people more youthful and healthy. Do whatever exercise you like the most, and if you are concerned about wrinkles on your face you can even exercise your facial muscles.

3. Make Healthy Food Choices
Foods high in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins serve you and able the body to fight the causes of aging.

4. Drink Lots of Water
At least 8 glasses a day, this keeps the skin firm and helps the body to get rid of toxins.

5. Get Enough Sunlight
Sunlight is vital for the health of the whole body as it gives us vitamin D. Get some sunlight every day, but don't sunbathe the whole days and avoid the hottest hours. Always moisturize the skin afterwards.

6. Sleep Enough
7-8 hours a night is sufficient for most people and an important time for the body to heal and regenerate.

7. Avoid Unhealthy Habits
You know what they are; smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating on sugary, processed or deep-fried food items etc.

8. Have Sex More Often
When you do you get to exercise as well as get more relaxed and eliminate stress. Researchers in England found that people who had sex 2-3 times a week looked up to 10 years younger.

9. Take a Supplement
If you are like most people you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. Taking a high quality natural nutritional supplement has many health benefits, like getting more energy and better-looking skin!

10. Use an Anti-Aging Moisturizer
Always stay moisturized as dry skin easily gets wrinkled. Using a natural anti-aging moisturizer that stimulates an increased growth of collagen and elastin can smoothen out wrinkles even more.

These are the most important tips for anti aging that have been proven to work for people time and again. Start implementing as many as you like and you will start to both look and feel younger.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best anti-aging skincare, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results. Visit my website by clicking here:

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