Friday 20 November 2009

Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally and Safely

Age spots actually begin to show up on most people once they hit mid 40's, however for some it might be sooner. Once you begin to experience these spots the first thing on your mind is how to get rid of age spots. You should be looking for the safest and most effective method you can use to accomplish this. Finding the right treatment for you will take some research, however there are treatments available that can help.

Do you really know what causes these age spots in the first place?

Let me tell you. Age spots are caused from prolonged exposure in the sun. Many of us in our earlier years enjoyed sun bathing, we based in the sun with the hopes of achieving that bronzed look not realizing the damage we are causing yourself. This is true especially if you were not using sun screen protection. The sun causes free radical activities which damages skin cells. It also causes the activity of melanin in the skin.

Melanin is the substance that gives skin and hair their color. The darker your skin tone the more you are able to tolerate the UV rays of the sun. People with lighter skin will experience more burning and thus more age spots as they get older.

There have been different methods of getting rid of these spots some of which are: microdermabrasion, chemical peel and laser resurfacing. These methods require removing the top layers of the skin exposing the underlying layer which can subject you to infection. They all require some recovery time where you have to stay out of the sun until properly healed and they can be expensive. If you desire to try any of these methods make sure you consult with a dermatologist to choose which option would be best for you depending on your skin type.

Fortunately there are other methods available which does not involve such harsh treatment, a company in New Zealand has developed a naturally safe and effective skin whitening cream that contain a natural plant based substances called Extrapone Nutgrass. Extrapone nutgrass is a natural melanin inhibitor which protects your skin from the UV rays of the sun. It has been shown to inhibit melanin by up to 40% which is very promising.

Age spots are unsightly and you can try to cover them up, however wouldn't it be great if you could eliminate them over a period of time by using a safe product. This skin whitening cream will not only give you an even tone, it also contains other natural ingredients that will help keep your skin smooth, soft and firm while getting rid of your age spots.

Beautiful skin is achievable, you deserve beautiful skin. Relax, take a deep breathe and learn how to get rid of your age spots by visiting:

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