Tuesday 15 December 2009

Do You Rely on Face Cream Review Sites?

If you are looking for a face cream review, you are sure to find a plethora of them online. However, do they contain all the information you require to make an informed decision? Making an effective skin care product takes a lot of research and scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, most people turn to the drugstore to purchase their face creams.

Most face cream review sites will focus on the brand name products that everyone has heard of, usually from some form of national advertisement. In fact, some companies even pay people to write positive face cream reviews of their product, even though the person has never even tried the product.

Therefore, it is important to take a face cream review site too seriously. You can certainly pick up some information from them but it is better to try the product yourself. When you do read the reviews, do they mention anything about the ingredients of the brand name products? Many companies add ingredients that are not good for our skin. These include fragrances and alcohols. These particular additives are not good for you; they will dry out your skin and even cause irritation.

Does the face cream review sites mention that the chemicals in these creams are absorbed into your blood stream? Just think if you apply them on a daily basis. The creams you use should contain natural ingredients that are not harmful for your skin.

Find a face cream review that focuses on natural ingredients. If the review site does not mention ingredients or the reviewers refuse to mention the ingredients, I think it is safe to say that you should avoid that site and product.

A good face cream review is one that reveals the ingredients and has nothing to hide. Look for a review that tells how the ingredients work and what they do for your skin. The idea is that you should know what you are looking for and what information is useless.

Face cream reviews can be helpful but do not make your decision based primarily on these reviews. If you find a company that makes their products using natural ingredients and does not use fragrances or alcohols then spend some time researching that company. Look at their website and then make a decision based on what you see.

In conclusion, read the face cream review sites to gather information on the various face cream products available. Avoid products that contain fragrances, deodorants and alcohols. These products are not good for your skin.

Tara Mathews has done a lot of research on various natural face cream products. She has found that face cream review sites are not always reliable.
Visit our site for more information today! http://www.thefacewrinkle.com/
By Tara Mathews

Thursday 10 December 2009

What Kind of Anti Wrinkle Face Cream Should I Use?

It seems like every time your look in the mirror, another tiny wrinkle or fine lines develops, am I right? Well using the right kind of anti wrinkle face cream can prevent this from happening, and even reverse the effect that aging has had on your skin.

It took me a while, but I finally figured out what it took to prevent, and even reverse the skin's natural aging process. I mean I didn't discover it myself or anything, but I found out what you need to look for in an anti wrinkle face cream.

Besides looking for plenty of effective natural substances like moisturizers, emollients, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, you need to address aging skin at it's source.

Finding out what causes the skin to age and using an anti wrinkle face cream that prevents these causes is the most effective way to reverse the aging process.

The most common cause of aging skin is a loss of collagen and elastin protein in your skin. Collagen and elastin are the structural proteins in your skin that keep it firm, elastic, and age-free.

But as you grow older, your skin produces less and less of these proteins, making it much easier for wrinkles, fine lines, puffy eye bags, and other undesirable aging signs to form.

So what kind of anti wrinkle face cream can fix this major problem?

Although there are all different kinds of anti wrinkle face cream on the market that claim to boost your collagen and elastin levels, there's only one kind that actually works. Unfortunately, I learned this critical fact after I tried all these different products already.

The only kind of anti wrinkle face cream that can actually increase the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin is one that stimulates the regrowth and production of collagen and elastin protein.

Products that actually contain collagen and elastin protein, whether they are topically ones or supplements, are ineffective because these proteins cannot penetrate through your skin and other parts of your body like your bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints use these valuable proteins to stay healthy as well.

I use anti wrinkle face cream that contains a cutting-edge ingredient called CynergyTK™, which is a proven substance that stimulates natural collagen and elastin production. It's developed by a small niche company is New Zealand, so you've probably never even heard of it before. It can't even be used in any of the name-brand products yet.

But since I've been using it, my skin has gotten more youthful and healthier each and every week. Not only does it FEEL better, it also LOOKS better too. Most of my wrinkles and fines lines have been smoothed out, my skin is much firmer, and my complexion is even brighter and more even.

I invite you to learn more about CynergyTK™, other natural anti-aging substances, and the anti wrinkle face cream I use to keep my skin youthful and beautiful by visiting my website listed below.

Caroline Richie is a long time user and passionate admirer of natural skin care. Visit her site now and discover the cutting-edge ingredients and anti aging solutions she recommends and uses after years of research and trial-and-error with all sorts of products ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Tuesday 8 December 2009

The Best Anti Aging Face Cream

With so many products to choose from today, it's hard to decide what the best anti aging face cream is. There's no correct answer of course: everyone's face is different and one product won't suit everybody. Good products, however, will have certain features in common.

When you are searching for the best consumer anti aging face care, look for products that protect your skin from the sun: we know that sunlight does damage to skin and causes wrinkles and other signs of aging. Your face is consistently exposed to more sunlight than any other part of your body, and this is why some moisturizing facial creams now contain sun protection ingredients. Applying one of these products to your face daily, before applying makeup, will give you daily protection. While the best anti aging face cream should include sun protection, if you choose one that doesn't, consider adding a skin lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of at least 15 to your daily skin care routine.

Other than sun protection, the best anti aging face cream will be what is sometimes called a "cosmeceutical," a cosmetic product that does more than just make your skin look younger - it actually induces healing or other changes in the skin cells. Active ingredients include vitamins, especially vitamins A, C, D, and E; minerals, especially selenium and zinc; lycopene (found in tomatoes and other fruit) and other antioxidants; herbal extracts; and compounds that lighten skin tone. Many of the best consumer anti aging face care brands include some or all of these things.

The product that will be the best anti aging face cream for you will depend on your specific needs. If you are not noticing the effects of aging too much yet, are are taking a preventative approach, you will probably select a different product from the person who has specific issues to address. Read labels and instructions to determine what products are supposed to do, and if you still unsure which is the best consumer anti aging face care product for you, consult a skin care professional for advice. Though this may cost a bit, it will probably save you money in the long term by narrowing your possible choices to a few quality products.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about the best anti aging face cream on the AntiAging Information site.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Which Antioxidant Face Cream Organic Ingredients Best Protect the Skin and Prevent Aging?

Wondering what antioxidant face cream organic ingredients work best to protect the skin and keeping away the ugly signs of aging? There are different kinds of antioxidants: ones that are included in healthy foods and ones that are meant to be applied to the skin. Knowing which ones are best for the skin is one of the best things you can do to prolong the aging process, at least for your skin.

The problem I see with most antioxidant face cream organic ingredients is how poorly developed they are for being applied to the skin. In an effective antioxidant face cream, you want plenty of antioxidants that are small enough to penetrate deep down into the skin.

Antioxidants are great at defending the skin against harmful free radicals. But using antioxidant face cream organic ingredients that are just able to protect the outer layer or two of your skin is leaving tons of free radicals to break down the cells further down in your skin. And preventing unwanted aging signs from forming starts deep down in the skin.

What I also see most antioxidant face cream lack is high concentrations of antioxidants. Most companies just throw in minuscule amounts of antioxidants just to say the products contains them. This is the equivalent of adding a pinch of kool-aid mix to a glass of water. What good is that? You may as well just drink the water straight!

After really conducting a lot of research as to what antioxidant face cream organic ingredients best benefit the skin, I have found a few special antioxidants in particular that I use on a daily basis:

*Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 is a 'nano-emulsion' form of CoenzymeQ10, which is one of the best antioxidants for the skin. Since these molecules are so tiny, they can penetrate 7 layers down into the skin to destroy free radicals and protect the skin from UV radiation and pollutants. It also enhances cell activity and has quite the dramatic anti-wrinkle effect.

*Manuka honey is perhaps the most beneficial type of honey for the skin. This organic substance has amazing antibacterial and antioxidant properties and stimulates the immune system. While you sleep, it helps restore and rejuvenate your skin, making it look younger and softer. And thanks to a New Zealand company, it can be added to skin care products in a powder form so you can avoid the mess honey usually creates.

*Grapeseed oil is a powerful natural antioxidant that also creates an invisible firm on your skin to keep moisture in throughout the day. It's also great at getting rid of stretch marks and repairing the skin around your eyes, which is the most sensitive area (and most difficult to keep smooth) of skin on your body.

Using these specific antioxidant face cream organic ingredients allows me to keep my skin firm, healthy, and youthful longer than most people. When free radicals cannot damage your cells, your skin is able to form strong collagen and elastin protein fibers and prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and other aging signs from developing.

I invite you to learn more about these antioxidant face cream organic ingredients and other effective organic substances I use on my skin by visiting my wbesite listed below.

Jason Michaels is a long time user and passionate admirer of all natural skin care products. Visit his site now and discover the latest and greatest breakthrough anti aging products and ingredients he recommends after conducting extensive research on anti-aging skin care ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Friday 4 December 2009

Olive Oil Facial Cleansers Gently Cleanse For Feel Good Skin

Have you ever tried olive oil facial cleansers? They feel so good on your skin and they cleanse your skin ever so gently, leaving no trace of oil yet retaining the optimum amount of moisture required for your skin. Olive oil has always been a popular choice for skin care thanks to its amazing cleansing properties. Let me now tell you more about the importance of olive oil and its cleansing properties.

If you are a working man or a working woman, your work life will keep you pretty busy for most of the day. With whatever little time left, you cannot actually think of spending some time to go to parlors or salons to take care of your skin. The best choice would be to use a good skin care product which can cleanse your skin and rejuvenate your skin after a long, tiring day. If it is a natural skin care product, it gets even better as it acts really gentle on your skin. When you think of natural skin care products, olive oil facial cleansers are one of the most sought after ones these days.

Nothing cleanses your skin like a good facial cleanser. All the dirt, sebum, and grime from your skin go off and your skin feels softer and smoother. Most skin specialists recommend avoiding artificial chemical face packs and using natural skin care products for better results. The biggest advantage in using a natural skin care product like olive oil facial cleanser is that there is no risk of any allergic reactions or side effects. With artificial cosmetic stuff, you can never be sure of the same as your skin can react negatively to a number of chemicals present in skin care products. So, it's best to stick to a good natural skin care product which can cleanse your skin gently.

One of the most important things you should know about cleansers is that they should go gentle on your skin. As you know, your skin requires moisture to look good and healthy. If you use a harsh cleanser, it will simply dry off your skin to such an extent that your skin will not have the essential moisture that it requires most. Olive oil facial cleansers, on the other hand, not only cleanse your skin thoroughly, but also retain the essential moisture in your skin. This way, your skin is not only clean, but also healthy.

Cleansing your skin with a good olive oil cleanser after a long day can help your skin immensely. Once you start doing this regularly, your skin will remain soft and smooth and look brighter than ever. Simply put - this is the easiest way to take care of your skin regularly.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at several beauty, antiaging and health-related websites. She retains her radiant skin with anti aging skincare products with natural ingredients that are so pure you could eat them. If you are serious about improving the health of your skin while making it appear younger, smoother and more attractive, visit http://www.agedefenseskincare.com

Thursday 3 December 2009

Chromosome Research Suggests Exercise Fights Aging

Exercise has long been viewed as an important factor for maintaining health and vitality in old age. Now, its anti-aging benefits are being understood on a genetic level.

Exercise and the Genetics of Aging

A new study published in the journal Circulation has found that strenuous long-term exercise, such as endurance running, may fight the aging process through its effects on chromosomes.

The health benefits of exercise have long been accepted, but this is the first study to offer an explanation on a cellular level.

The specific effects of exercise occurred in telomeres, repetitive DNA-protein complexes on the ends of chromosomes that are believed to impact aging. The shorter telomeres become, the more quickly cells die, and therefore the shorter a person’s life becomes.

“Ulrich Laufs, the study's co-author, … said one of the key findings was that lifelong exercise was associated with a significant prevention of telomere shortening,” John Fauber wrote for the Journal Sentinel.



The Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow is an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle sleep accessory that will help you lose that irritating “morning face” and promote healthier, smoother skin! “Morning Face”, or the lines and wrinkles we see as more prevalent when we wake up, are caused by sleeping on your side and stomach with your face constantly pressed against the pillow.

Reduce the signs of aging while you sleep! Mumbani’™ Fresh Face Pillow’s unique and patent-pending design greatly minimizes the appearance of “Morning Face” or morning wrinkles, lines and creases caused by sleeping on your side, and stomach, with your face always pressed against the pillow. Many dermatologists recommend sleeping on your back to avoid “sleep wrinkles” which become permanently etched in the skin*. With the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow, you can sleep on your side or stomach, knowing you are protecting your skin from the aging effects of side sleeping.

With the Mumbani Fresh Face pillow, you can sleep on your side or stomach, knowing you are protecting your skin from the aging effects of side sleeping.
The revolutionary, yet simple design of the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow creates a buffer between the face and the pillow, allowing the skin, while you sleep, to remain relaxed and allows for the creaseless and fresh appearance in the morning. The plush spa like cover is a surprisingly light, luxurious and easy to pack for travelling.

Quote from Elizabeth Bloch, Founder and President of OmP3, LLC, and creator of the Mumbani™: “I designed the Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow 2 years ago for myself. I was fed up with the deep lines, wrinkles and creases caused from sleeping on my pillow, and knew the answer was a mini pillow or buffer to place between my head and my pillow. It worked so well that I decided to make them for my friends and family, and now it is available to the public online.”

The Mumbani™ Fresh Face Pillow is available online for $14.99 (plus shipping & handling) and for a limited time, holiday gift offer: Buy 2 for $22 (plus s&h) at http://www.mumbani.com/

Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level | World Health Science News

Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level | World Health Science News

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Under Eye Wrinkle Cream - The Facts

In most cases we get quite frustrated with our under eye wrinkle creams because they don't work according to our expectation. It only makes our life more difficult and at the end of the day, you may find that all the money you spent for a brand cream was nothing but a complete waste.

So what is going on actually? Why is this frustration? There are many skincare products offered by many cosmetics companies and all of them claim their creams to be the best. But the fact is none of their products are previously tested for health issues or for their positive effects.

These wrinkle creams are produced solely for commercial purposes and the companies owning them are not concerned about the safety of its users.

The glamour of celebrities and the breath taking promises to solve your problem in a week kind of claims - often gives us the hope that maybe your days of frustration is over.

But again, these are simply words. In reality, they don't work the way they are suppose too. In most cases these anti wrinkle creams are produced from artificial ingredients. Some of these ingredients can be so harsh that they cause long term damage to your skin.

Not only that, all skin creams and lotions are easily absorbed inside your body and they get mixed with your bloodstream. Simply think about the consequences that can occur when these harsh chemicals get inside your body. Not only can they cause damage to your skin, but to your internal body parts as well.

Many companies today put labels on their products claiming that these contain natural ingredients. But the question is how authentic are these statements? Even if they do contain the natural ingredients, are they maintaining the standard?

When it comes to under eye wrinkle creams, the health issue is even more serious because you are applying these creams around your eyes, which are very sophisticated parts of your body.

The best wrinkle creams to cure eye wrinkles should be made of natural ingredients only. Not from chemicals or not from a mixture of chemical and natural ingredients. So don't fall for all the claims of the skincare products.

Have your own investigation. Go for the pure natural wrinkle creams for your under eye wrinkles.

Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit http://www.natural-skin-care-resource.com to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Anti-Aging Skin Care - Free Radicals and Wrinkles

Everyone knows some of the damage that the sun can do to our skin. But the mere act of aging plays an equal part in the wrinkles and sagginess that happens to the skin over time. The more time we spend on this planet, the more we are exposed to damage causing free radicals. These radicals are a natural product of some of our every day bodily functions like breathing and digestion. The radicals bombard us from outside sources, too, such as air pollution, sun, heat, and cigarette smoke. They are impossible to avoid.

So what are free radicals and how do they do so much damage? They are molecules of oxygen that somewhere along their way have lost one of their two electrons. In order to survive, radicals rob other molecules in the body of an electron in order to correct its unstable condition. This is a vicious cycle, because when a free radical has stolen from another electron to repair itself, it creates another free radical. All of this "electron theft" going on in the body causes cell damage, and in the process changes genetic material. Damaged cells caused by free radicals can result in wrinkles because it causes the collagen and elastin in the skin to break down.

The best way to fight this free radical damage is with their natural enemy: antioxidants. Using anti-aging creams with an abundance of antioxidants can do wonders to restore some of the damage already done, and slow down further effects of these radicals. Some of the ingredients to look for are:

· Vitamin C - This can stimulate collagen production, heal damaged skin, and help reduce fine lines.
· Peptides - These help to restore elasticity to the skin.
· Coenzyme Q10 - This enzyme can aid in repairing skin already damaged by the sun, enhance cell growth, and firm and smooth the skin.

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements that contain things like vitamin A, C, and E and other antioxidants, in addition to a good anti-aging cream, can give extra protection against free radicals.

Note: By researching and comparing the best Anti Aging Formulas in the market, you will determine the one that is safe and right for you.

Renata Nyleve runs the http://www.BestAntiAgingSkinCare.tv website - where you can see her best rated anti aging skin care formula.

Good Skin Care Comes From Inside You

Here's a video that stresses the importance of diet and exercise in skin care and anti aging in general. Lots of information on antioxidants and their role in the control of free radicals.